Sunday, August 31, 2008

Watching the D-backs

Cael channel surfing and enjoying a cold one:)

Playtime with Mom and Dad

Cael enjoys his playtime with his lucky mom and dad. He has a dimple that is adorable.

We Are a Happy Family

Today we ventured out for our first Sunday at church. Cael looked dapper in his outfit from my cousin, Alta. He was so good, even though he was somewhat bothered by the noises around him. Paul was just upset that he couldn't share his church snack of M & M's with his son yet.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Happy One Month, Cael!

Yesterday (at 11:54 P.M.) our sweet Cael turned one month old. In honor of this milestone, here are some of our favorite memories so far with the sunshine of our lives: his smiles (gas or not, they're the best); watching him in his carseat with the infant mirror; his lower lip quiver; his pouty lip; his squeaky noises; the day the doctor told us he was okay and we could go home; seeing him being held by our dear friends and family; his leg lifts to release internal pressure; when he looks up at his angel friends; all of the noise and stretching to wake up; his baldness; when he finally sleeps in his "Cael" mode; his heart, the fight he gave in the beginning; his weight gain, two pounds in four weeks. We love you Cael.

AVSLIMP, finally finished (well, for now)

Precious Times with Mom and Dad

Thursday, August 21, 2008

AVSLIMP, nearing the end

When he still had hair; smiling thinking of his mom; watching the Diamondbacks with his dad; loving the car seat

AVSLIMP, no, it won't because he is so darn cute!

Touchdown! Leave me alone; I'm comfortably sleeping. Is it time to eat again? Who are these other kids? (Cousins Isabel and Cooper at the Heap reunion) Be quiet, Dad; you're giving me such a headache!

AVSLIMP, will it ever end?

Cael just looking adorable... In the last picture, he is looking up at his angel friends:)

AVSLIMP, continued yet again

The sayings on the onesies tell it all...

AVSLIMP, still continued

Cael with Cousin Jalen, Grandma Jill, and Aunt Kirsti; Home in bassinette and sleeping on Paul's legs (cord still attached)

AVSLIMP, continued

Cael's Gradual Healing: From oxygen helmet to oxygen fangs to Mom's arms (finally!-notice the smile?) to no oxygen (yippee!) to dad's arms out of the nursery and in the hospital room

A Very Short Life in Many Pictures

Cael in utero and first day of life on earth. . . The latter pictures break mine and Paul's hearts as he was struggling at first with his collapsed lung. Poor baby!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Our Little Chunk of Joy

Cael Paul Hancock came into the world on Monday, July 21, 2008 at 11:54 P.M. He weighed 8 pounds, 4 ounces and was 20 inches long. His poor mom! He had a rough start, with a collapsed lung that required him to be on oxygen for a couple of days, but he quickly recovered and is fine now (we can tell from his loud crying fits:)). He has turned our world upside-down, and we are so grateful for the blessing he is in our lives.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Just for you, Aunt Mindy and Aunt Julie...

Two of Cael's aunts from the Valley begged for a blog about the little cutie, so here you are. We hope you enjoy the little glimpses of sunshine from our family.