Friday, February 27, 2009

Sticky Situation

Cael decided to try to exercise on his mom's mat, but was slowed by his socks getting stuck on the Velcro.

Cael Pins Fan

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Rubber Ducky, You're the One...

We have to have these to show to his dates, right?

Smiling at Seven Months

I look at your little face and marvel.
How are you mine?
Your smile lights up my heart.
Your cry makes it ache.
Your squeal causes it to leap.
Each day I get to spend with you is a gift.
To explore the world, you crawl.
To enjoy the world, you taste it.
Everything is of interest to you.
Even me.
You love your oatmeal, still, and
Cinnamon raisin granola is a new favorite.
You like puffed treats.
Going to bed is not fun,
screaming until you drift off,
but baths are great.
I would not trade this time with you for anything.
Thank you, my sweet boy, for making my decision so easy.

Images of Cael

Is that Pepsi on that spoon?!
Eating Gramma's Valentine's Day cardAngel Boy
Cowboy up!
Playing with Kim's boys

Monday, February 16, 2009

Another Great Day with Cael

Too much shopping for the little guy
Fun in the Johnny Jump-up
I'll just get my own toys, thank you.

Cell Block D

Maybe these puppy-dog eyes will compel her to get me out...
Help me!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Mmm . . . Licorice

Well, babies can't live on
oatmeal and puree alone...
(brought to you by Auntie Brandee, who has now fed you a Tootsie Pop, licks of a Big Hunk, and now a Red Vine - all under Mom's supervision, and with a big bib,
of course)


And These Are the Days of Our Cael

Relaxing and watching some television
Cael is playing with his friend, The Duck, a puppet who emits quacking songs as you move his mouth.