Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Anatomy of a Snow Cone

"Boo. Neyo. Deen."
(Blue and Yellow make Green)

"Wa-wer. Ice."
(Water and Ice)

"Tael Hatee."
(Cael is happy.)

"Boo. Neyo. Deen Ton."
(Blue + Yellow = Green Tongue)

Happy Birthday, America!

To celebrate Independence Day, we went to our city park for the events held there throughout the day. First, we ate a pancake breakfast. Next was the patriotic program. A little while later, after Cael ate a snow cone and played games with Kiki and Parker, we enjoyed the free barbeque lunch. We ended the festivities with the famous and ever-entertaining foot races.

Da-da-ee had you on one side, waiting for your turn. You lined up, saw Mom-mom, and got sad because you wanted to run to her but couldn't yet. "Ready, set, go," the police chief yelled, and you were off. Your little bare feet tore up the grass underneath them as you moved with a speed that does not come from your mother. You crossed the finish line first in your age group of boys. Woohoo for Cael! You won a silver dollar and some Cracker Jacks. You lost the dollar at the park, and Mom-mom, Da-da-ee, and Gramma ate your popcorn treat when you decided you didn't want it. However, you still won, buddy, and we are just proud of you for racing your little heart out. (FYI - Dad gave you two silver dollars when we got home to make up for the one that fell from your pocket.)

That evening, we had a delicious hot dog dinner at Gramma's with family. Uncle Shane had sparklers to light up the night. We watched fireworks at home, due to ours being cancelled, and we went to bed, happy to live in this country where we celebrate our freedoms, our flag, and each other.

Cael's Summer of Fun

Sliding into the shark pool with Hope's help
Visiting Aunt Sarah at work
Having an ice cream cone that Grandpa bought
Wearing new (light-up!) boots and Wranglers from Aunt Sarah
Visiting Aunt Sarah's geese
Cruising in the backyard with Kiki
Doing a little light reading