Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Who needs turkey?

Cael loves to watch holiday shows,
and, at this time of year,
he is watching A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving
almost daily, if not more than one time a day.
He has been asking me for the same
Thanksgiving dinner that Snoopy makes on the show,
so he got to have it.
Popcorn, cereal, pretzel sticks, and toast
make up this Thanksgiving feast.
He was thrilled.
What a fun boy!

Why wouldn't he love Holbrook?

He gets to wear his pajamas all day
and ride atop a giant jackrabbit.

He gets his own room at Aunt Sarah's
Minion house, complete with
a Spider-man decorated bed
and his own T.V.
He gets to pick out his own toys
to protect him from monsters.

"I want to wear my church hat to church today."

He was so proud that he combed his own hair.

Santa and Spider-Man

"I want a tummy stuffer,
Green Lantern gloves,
and some candy,
"Have you been protecting people?" Santa asked.
"Have you been a good boy?"
"Mom, has he been a good boy?"
"Yes, he has been a very good boy."

Oh Christmas Fair, Oh Christmas Fair, how lovely were thy offerings.

A Superhero a Day Keeps the Villains Away

Cael has each day designated for a certain superhero.
Sunday is Hawkeye day.
Monday is Wasp day.
Tuesday is the Amazing Spider-Man day.
Wednesday is Green Lantern day.
Thursday is Batman day.
Friday is Superman day.
Saturday is the Ultimate Spider-Man day. 
He puts on his costume for each of these days
and tries to watch a show with that superhero.
Some days he just falls asleep in costume.
Being a superhero a day is exhausting.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Trying on Wasp's Hair

Oh, my goodness.
You look good, buddy.

Trunk or Treat and Good Food to Eat

We had a busy, fun-filled day
this Halloween.
I helped at Cael's class party in the morning.
That afternoon, we had the Halloween parade,
followed by trick-or-treating to a few houses.
We finished celebrating by attending our ward's
trunk or treat and barbeque.
At the end of it all, when we were at home,
Cael exclaimed,
"This was the best day ever!"

Wasp and Spider-Man

I was Wasp, a little-known Avenger
that Cael wanted me to be.
It was fun to design and create our costumes
and to be Superheroes together.

Hawkeye and Spider-Man

Cael picked our costumes out,
as usual, so we were Avengers this year for Halloween.
Of course, Cael was Spider-Man.
Paul was Hawkeye because he has
a bow and arrows like Hawkeye does.

2 Avengers Ready for the Halloween Parade

A Jack O' Lantern Big and Round...

This is a combined artistic effort;
Cael designed the face,
and Paul carved it.
It turned out great.

Primary Program 2013

"I am Cael Hancock.
I am a good Spider-Man,
but most importantly,
I am a child of God."

Cael with his Life

I love Penelope's looks here as Cael holds her.
Um, really? You keep calling me your life,
but I am not even 1 yet.
Slow your roll there, buddy.

Spider-Man and his Shapes

Cael has been learning about 3-D shapes at school,
so he decided to find them at home and line them up.
Here he has a cube, a cylinder, and cones.
He loves learning new things and then telling and showing us all about them.

Following Directions 101