Sunday, September 28, 2008

Stealing My Heart

Seriously, if anyone can tell me how in the world I could resist him, please comment. Moments such as these, which happen a hundred times each day, confirm that I am blessed to be home to witness the small things.


Cael had his first shots Wednesday. He was so brave - only crying a little.
He then went promptly to sleep for most of the afternoon,
which is how he seems to deal with trauma. I think I will try that, too:)
He is now 12 pounds 8 ounces and 24 inches long.
In this picture he is zoned out from Tylenol - pain? What pain?

Who needs a girl?

Ready for the SJHS football game
Cael always looks cute, but I especially like seeing him in his "big boy" clothes, full outfits that are a step out from just his normal onesies. I love picking out his clothes and getting him dressed each morning. It is so fun that I have to ask, "Who needs a girl?"

Above Outfit from Grandma Jill

Pants from Aunt Kirstin and Jenna

Little Paul

Ways Cael is just like his Daddy:
Watching T.V. . . .
In a Deep Sleep (Cael Sleep, we call it). . .
Content After Eating . . .

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Cael is two months old at 11:54 P.M. tonight.

This time goes by too quickly, in the blink of an eye,
And all of a sudden he communicates, with a coo and a sigh.
He went from nights of crying to sleeping rather well,
With changes happening rapidly, sometimes it's hard to tell.
His smile lights up his dimpled round face, melting our hearts,
Hearing the smallest sounds in his sleep, his tiny body starts.
To show his extreme happiness, he squeals in utter delight,
He laughs at Dad, sings with Mom, is very alert and bright.
He is quite the social butterfly, flitting with Mom here and there,
Football games, Volleyball too, and the Apache County Fair.
He loves sitting up to watch events, rocking, and being in his swing,
Holding him ever close to us, we do not want to miss a thing.
Only two short months ago he arrived, to our greatest joy,
Now our newborn infant son is starting to become a boy.
This time goes by too quickly, in the blink of an eye,
Always know we love you, buddy, favorite little guy.

Bath Time

In the first month of his life, Cael did not like bath time at all. I would hurry as fast as I could to get it over with, with him crying and screaming the whole time, and that was mostly spit bathing at that point. When we went to the infant bathtub, he became braver, and now it is at least tolerable for him. He looks like a deer in the headlights each time I put him in the tub and his feet touch the water. I start singing to him, he looks at me directly, or at me in the mirror, and we are fine. I sing "We Are a Happy Family" and "You Are My Sunshine," both songs he loves. Putting him in his towel is great, seeing him so cozy. This particular towel, given to us by Candy Garcia, is soft and warm, and I just love his look here. He is adorable.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Ways My Life Has Changed

I saw one of my favorite former students, Britney Padilla, the other day at Wilbur's. She graduated a year ago, and I haven't seen her since. She told me that her mom had told her a few months ago, "Ms. Baca is pregnant." Britney responded astoundingly, "MY Ms. Baca?! She said she NEVER wanted kids." She asked me what had changed my mind, and I couldn't really answer her standing there in the cookie and cracker aisle, for so many miracles, large and small, brought me to this point in my life, where seven years ago I would have feared to tread. In that spirit of reflection, and since I made a list in the last post too, here are some of the ways my life has been altered since the arrival of Cael:

1. I have a new perfume, Eau de Spit Up.

2. Burp cloths have become a permanent part of my wardrobe, fashionably tossed over the left shoulder (and they usually don't match my outfit- what a travesty!).

3. My dates with Paul consist of two trips to the grocery store.

4. I sing a lot to an admiring audience.

5. I have been pooped upon, literally, by my son, instead of by my school administration, figuratively.

6. A stretch of three hours of sleep at night is wonderful, where nine to ten used to be my norm.

7. An outing, even to the post office, is a chore.

8. Even though he pees (and poops) on me, wakes me at night, occasionally cries for no apparent reason, and seemingly eats all the time, I absolutely love this little guy, which I can say with complete certainty would not be the case if anyone else in my life acted this way towards me.

Top Ten Things Cael Has Taught Me (in 8 weeks)

I have found out much about myself and about life these past eight weeks with my wonderful son. Here are the top ten things Cael has helped me learn as I watch and interact with him:

10. Time playing with loved ones is time best-spent, even if dinner is late or the table dusty.

9. Napping is a great way to spend half of an hour (or three hours- who am I kidding?).

8. The people who truly love you don't care if you have morning breath, or if your hair is fixed, or even if you shower; they just want you to pick them up when they're down and can't get up themselves.

7. Better out than in! Holding in the "bad gas" just makes one miserable. Let it out - of either end;) (or, as Kirstin would say, "Put it in a bubble and blow it away.")

6. Learning something new is hard but well worth the effort.

5. Rocking is soothing and will put a baby to sleep, not to mention a tired Mommy.

4. Expressing your emotions is essential and healthy communication: scream to get what you want, cry to get what you want, laugh to get what you want, coo and gurgle to get what you want . . .

3. You can't hug and kiss the ones you love enough.

2. Stretching feels really good, especially in the morning.

1. A real smile is a gift from one heart to another.

Thank you, Cael, for teaching me. I love you!

Monday, September 8, 2008

I Am the Luckiest

All Dressed Up for the Big Day
Great-Grandma Ellsworth with Cael at Brunch
Proud Dad with Cael

Mom and Cael

The Handsome Boy
We had an amazing blessing day yesterday. We started off with a brunch for our families in the backyard. Then, it was off to church, after getting Cael dressed up in his borrowed outfit. Alta, my cousin, lent it to us. Her son, Diego, had used it for his blessing. Thank you, Alta! He looked so handsome in the tuxedo suit, even though the pants were a little tight:) The chapel was packed with people who love Cael. We were overwhelmed by the love and support of those who came to share in this most special day in our little family's life. Paul gave a beautiful blessing, with Great-Grandpa Ellsworth, Uncle Gunnar, Uncle Michael, Dave Eisley, Uncle Ray, and Quinn Ashton in the circle. I had to (got to) bear my testimony later in the meeting, proclaiming the truth that I am the luckiest woman in the world, with my wonderful husband, sweet baby boy Cael, my family, and my friends. I couldn't ask for more. Cael, you are loved by so many, and you will never lack for love your entire life, from the show of people yesterday.
Thank you, thank you, from the bottom of our hearts to those who attended from near and far. We now know how important these events are, and we will not forget your support. Those in attendance (besides ward members, obviously): Uncle Stephen, Alyssa, Aaron, Uncle Michael, Aunt Michelle, Tyli, Eli, Sienna, Jadon, Uncle Brad, Aunt Amber, Braylen, Isabel, Aunt Jennifer, Lee, Avery, Grandma Ellsworth, Great-Grandpa and Great-Grandma Ellsworth, Grandpa Hancock, Grandma Lois, Uncle Brian, Aunt Amber, Uncle Chad, Aunt Kirsti, Jalen, Aunt Julie, Aunt Sarah, Uncle Gunnar, Aunt Kristi, Kelsey, Brooke, Staci, Kim and Kortlynn Herring, Dave and Marcia Eisley, Quinn and Michelle Ashton, Kirstin and Jenna Udall, and Donna and Aunt LaDawn Hancock. Special friends who were already in attendence from the ward were Grandma Baca, Uncle Ray and Aunt Brandee, Breonna, Austin, Garrett and Hope Davis.