Sunday, September 14, 2008

Ways My Life Has Changed

I saw one of my favorite former students, Britney Padilla, the other day at Wilbur's. She graduated a year ago, and I haven't seen her since. She told me that her mom had told her a few months ago, "Ms. Baca is pregnant." Britney responded astoundingly, "MY Ms. Baca?! She said she NEVER wanted kids." She asked me what had changed my mind, and I couldn't really answer her standing there in the cookie and cracker aisle, for so many miracles, large and small, brought me to this point in my life, where seven years ago I would have feared to tread. In that spirit of reflection, and since I made a list in the last post too, here are some of the ways my life has been altered since the arrival of Cael:

1. I have a new perfume, Eau de Spit Up.

2. Burp cloths have become a permanent part of my wardrobe, fashionably tossed over the left shoulder (and they usually don't match my outfit- what a travesty!).

3. My dates with Paul consist of two trips to the grocery store.

4. I sing a lot to an admiring audience.

5. I have been pooped upon, literally, by my son, instead of by my school administration, figuratively.

6. A stretch of three hours of sleep at night is wonderful, where nine to ten used to be my norm.

7. An outing, even to the post office, is a chore.

8. Even though he pees (and poops) on me, wakes me at night, occasionally cries for no apparent reason, and seemingly eats all the time, I absolutely love this little guy, which I can say with complete certainty would not be the case if anyone else in my life acted this way towards me.

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