Friday, September 13, 2013

Signs, signs, everywhere are signs...

OPEN/Closed sign on your store,
where you sell games, books, and candy.
Depending on your costume choice,
your bathroom door is either labeled
Your bedroom is the boy jail.
The kitchen is Mom's restaurant,
where I am instructed to take your order
with a notebook and pen.
Mom and Dad's bedroom is the Girl Jail.

Ridin' the Harley

When we saw Mr. R at the high school,
he offered to take you for a ride.
You loved it!

Even Spider-Man needs a nap sometimes.


"I liked riding the rides with Parker on Friday."

Ferris Wheel
Little Roller Coaster
Aunt Nicoke loves the Tilt-a-Whirl.
She rode it with you, Parker,
and some random kid.

Fair-ly Fun Times

You won third prize, and $3, on your drawing of Spider-Man.
You loved seeing your class picture and your yarn-haired likeness
in Coronado Elementary School's booth.

Crowned Cael

You got this headwear while in Holbrook with Aunt Kirsti.

Superman Umbrella

You have a great imagination and
come up with something new
almost daily.
When Grandpa and Grandma gave you
a rain hat and an umbrella for your birthday,
you decided to use it to make up
a new superhero.
Wearing your Superman pajamas and rain hat,
you twirled your umbrella around
with expertise, fending off the bad guys
as "Superman Umbrella."

Sick Day

The second week of school,
you got sick and had to miss a day.
Luckily, you recovered quickly and returned
after just one day of pampering at home.

Spider-Man Blanket

Aunt Sarah made this blanket for you for your birthday.
You love it, and we do, too.

"I like to ride the school bus ecause (because) it has no seat belts, and it's fun."

Cael wanted to ride the bus from
day one, but his Mom felt otherwise.
I gave in on Friday of the first week of school
and let him ride the bus to school.
He was so excited.
He ran to the bus, cut in front of the other
two kids waiting to get on, and ran onto
the bus before we could even tell him goodbye.
Of course, we got in the car, followed the bus
to school, made sure he got off okay (see pictures),
and checked to see if he found his classroom.
Paranoid much?
No, just a first-time Mom with her
first and only child going to school
for the first time.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

"It's my 3rd first day of school!"

I did not continue to take an everyday photo
of his first week of school,
but he did continue to tell me each day,
"It's my 4th (etc.) day of school!"

"Mom, it's my 2nd first day of school!"

First Day of School...From Looking Handsome to Sitting in Class to Doing Homework


Double Costumed

You are in a stage where you love dressing up
in your different costumes (as is evident in other posts).
Sometimes, you break out in two costumes put together, such as Spider Cowboy or Green Spider-Man.

School Shopping

We went to Flagstaff to go school shopping with quite a crew. Along with the three of us, we had Grandma, Aunt Sarah, Aunt Kirsti, and Great-grandpa.
We got you some new pants & shirts and this nifty new Spider-Man backpack.
Grandma and Aunt Kirsti both bought you new shoes.
It was a fun trip, and you loved buying things to start off your school year looking great.

He loves Penelope!

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's...

Spider-Man on the ceiling...
A Minion.

Reunion Snapshots

Cael with his walking sticks;
Emmie sneaking sips of Zanny  Poo's drink;
Kiki holding an injured butterfly;
Cael, Parker, & Lee climbing the tree

A Bench of Cuties

Uncle Shane, with the help of Dad and Uncle Lon, built this bench using a tree from the forest. There were footstools and even cup holders included with the seats.
Of course, the best part of it is the bunch of cute cousins sitting upon it.

Nature's Bathroom

Look at that cute little bare butt!

On Top of Green's Peak, All Covered in Fog...

There's Somethin' Bout a Truck

Cael loved steering the truck through the mountain roads.