Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Cael loves all holidays and awaits them in great anticipation. We have to make a sign or buy one for each special day,
and he looks at the calendar to see when the day will arrive.
Valentine's Day is no exception.

We have had our sign up,
he got his Valentine Mr. Potato Head early,
we made and decorated sugar cookies,
bought special paper plates,
and waited for February 14th to roll around...
When it finally did, the excited boy awoke early, ready for play group that got cancelled, delivered cookies with Mom, and got some balloons.

Then, it all caught up to him, and he fell asleep to dream of the next holiday, St. Patrick's Day...
Our Valentine Table
The note Cael typed for his dad while we were at the high school today.

Go Spectra!

I wonder why there is a countdown to Holbrook...

Cael put this on my phone,
although he didn't quite finish the thought.
Could it be the Harry Potter glasses from Grandma?
How about the cotton candy in the Flagstaff Mall?
It could be the Target trip...
Or just hanging out at Aunt Kirsti's.
(Cael is wearing his wrestling shirt to support
Garrett and the other Redskins wresters
who were at State that weekend.)
Perhaps it is the constant love and attention he gets from so many who love him. That and the slippers Aunt Sarah got him. He is one lucky little guy.

The Yucky Stomach Bug

Last week, poor Cael came down with a stomach bug.
He was throwing up and generally not feeling well at all.
He is such a trooper, though,
He never complained, and he was excited when
all the throw up made it into the bowl.

One time, I asked him,
"How is your tummy? Is it feeling any better?"
He replied, "Yes, how are you feeling, Mom?"

I absolutely love this boy.
When Auntie and Hope came over that afternoon
with a surprise, Cael jumped off the couch
and seemed to be healed by the appearance
of Spider Spud.
His grin with his tired eyes and pale coloring
says it all.

When you gotta go...

"I want Auntie's bread. It's my favorite."