Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Once Upon a Weekend

You ran with rabbits (or almost choked them)
while Mom & Dad ran 4.2 miles.
The before picture (all smiles)...
The times
(ahem, notice the winner, not that I am competitive or anything)...
The after picture (still all smiles because food is on its way
at Mimi's Cafe)...
The real after picture...

You have entered the Twilight Zone...

Cael took a nap!
We had a sudden snowstormy day in St. Johns!
Okay, this second one isn't rare nor strange for our neck of the woods, but item number one was a miracle. I danced a quiet jig when I found him snoozing on the couch.
Cael had to go out to play in the snow.
Notice the outfit of football pajamas, boots, and his coat.
It was so nice of him to mow the lawn for us on this chilly day.

Hanging Out with Grandpa Crosby

Just reading a little SI...

General Conference

Reverent during a prayer on Saturday...
Putting on the armor of God during Sunday's sessions...
And listening to our Prophet, President Monson...

April Fool's Day

Dad told you to go rinse the tub after your bath,
amidst your protests that it had already been done,
and you discovered a rabbit (aka Mom in a mask with a cotton candy bunny tail) in the bathtub.
You giggled and giggled about this,
and you wanted to be the rabbit in the bathtub, too.
We love carrying on this tradition passed from your
great- grandparents (Papa & Grammy) to Grandma to us.
We also turned our shirts backwards
during the day and at night for more foolish fun.
"April Fools!" you told everyone
when they saw your turned-about top.

Happy Easter!

We had a great Easter weekend.
On Saturday, you awoke to see that the Easter Bunny had come to our house.
He brought you a basket full of candy, the Monsters Inc. movie,
& even an R2D2 toy.
Unlike last year, you didn't cry about the mess the Easter Bunny left
with his jellybean trail.
 Later that day, we went to the Isaacson's house for a fun picnic and Easter egg hunt.
That night, we decorated our Easter eggs.
 On Sunday, Easter day, we got up early to have our annual sunrise testimony meeting.
It was beautiful, as usual, and we felt the Spirit as a family.
Of course, we attended church, with you receiving many compliments on your dapper outfit.

Love the Smiles

Darth Tater & Other Holbrook Fun

Because Cael needed ANOTHER 'Tato Head, Grandma got him Darth Tater.
He is so skinny, he can fit both legs in one pant leg.
Trying on Mr. Potato Head's teef.

"Grateful for Austin go on his mission." ~Cael, in family prayer

Scrabble Cookies

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Phoenix Trip

We joined Dad on a work trip to Phoenix. You always love staying in a hotel, so you enjoyed our time there.

You got to go shopping...
Play at Aunt Julie's house with Jalen...
And go swimming...

Super Cael

Cael has officially entered that phase -
the little boy Superhero phase.
I blame his aunts (Kirsti, Sarah, Julie)
 and his cousin, Parker, for this new obsession.
It is a good blame, though, as I love to be webbed
by him and web him back, unless one or both
of us have on our web shields.

He watches Spiderman and His Amazing Friends
(circa old) reruns on NetFlix and has recently
discovered a new series, The Ultimate Spiderman.

When Cael wears his Superman pajamas,
his pants fall off from being too large for his
too skinny body, so he has to wear his
Great-grandpa "puspenders" to hold them up.
He loves to go to Parker's house to wear
Parker's Spiderman costume.
Like many of us, Cael has superhero aspirations,
as evidenced in this text conversation with his dad.
Aunt Julie sent Spiderman wall decorations,
which were received with jumps up & down.