Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Smiling at Seven Months

I look at your little face and marvel.
How are you mine?
Your smile lights up my heart.
Your cry makes it ache.
Your squeal causes it to leap.
Each day I get to spend with you is a gift.
To explore the world, you crawl.
To enjoy the world, you taste it.
Everything is of interest to you.
Even me.
You love your oatmeal, still, and
Cinnamon raisin granola is a new favorite.
You like puffed treats.
Going to bed is not fun,
screaming until you drift off,
but baths are great.
I would not trade this time with you for anything.
Thank you, my sweet boy, for making my decision so easy.

1 comment:

Julz said...

That smile is the cutest. He uses that smile and he can have anything he wants!