Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Paul and Mini Me

Aren't they the cutest in their matching shirts?
Cael Admiring Daddy

Wry smile and goofy smile

Crazy Kid

Cael decided to pull his toy over him to play. He is a nut!
*No one was harmed in this situation; the toy is light and is barely resting on him, lest peradventure you believe his parents are neglectful.

You've come a long way, baby!

Six months already?! How did that happen so fast?
Cael, I can't believe you are so close to crawling. You just want to move around all the time. You scoot well on your belly and roll around to get to the remote or Daddy's phone or whatever you are determined to get. Your smile lights up our hearts. Your eyes sparkle at seeing those you love. You down your oatmeal as well as your dad downs a ribeye. As soon as we put you in your high chair, your mouth opens in anticipation. With your new eating habits comes interesting diapers, making Daddy gag quite often. You are sleeping through the night now, most of the time (yeah!). You are an independent, determined little guy. You enjoy listening to your music when we put you to bed; it relaxes you right away. You still love your singing time with Mama, and she loves that time with you in the rocking chair, just the two of us. You play with your toys in your bathtub and don't make too much of a fuss getting ready for the day.
You are a complete joy. We love you, our sweet Cael boy.

Friday, January 23, 2009

We love you, Grammy!

Cael's great-grandmother, Marguerite Heap, passed away last Saturday.
She loved you so much, Cael. We got to say goodbye to her the Thursday before she died, and you still brought a smile to her face and a lift to her heart, cheering her spirit until the very end of this life. We will see her again, and she will once again proclaim she loves you and thinks you are the cutest baby she's seen in a long time.
Four-generation picture, taken on Grammy's last birthday, August 20, 2008
Grammy holding Cael on January 9, 2009

I want some of that!

Cael is looking longingly at his dad's food.
And I get oatmeal and pureed carrots?

Ah . . . Sleep

Snoozing on the Boppy
Hidden under the blanket and pillow in his crib
Napping in the car seat

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


When it snowed the day after Christmas, Cael got to experience his first feel of the great white stuff.


I'm a little slow and just got some pictures off my camera. This is Cael with his great grandparents, Grandpa and Grandma Ellsworth, at Thanksgiving. They love him so much!