This is my electronic baby book for Cael, since I will actually do it this way and won't on paper, cutting and pasting and scrapbooking (yuck!). Enjoy our little guy as much as we do. Love you all!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Saturday, October 24, 2009
Oh, so comfy
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Busy Busy Days
1. Walks everywhere, with his little hands held up.
2. Taps his hands on his thighs when he wants something. For example, if I am getting him a cookie, he will start tapping on his legs for me to hurry, like it will increase my speed.
3. Laughs, the best little giggle and laugh I have ever heard.
4. Stands in front of the mirror and entertains himself, doing just about everything to see himself.
5. Sticks his bum up in the air like a stinkbug. He may be trying to do a somersault, but he isn't quite there yet.
6.Claps when we go to get him out of bed.
7. Helps me with things, like making his bed. He will hand me all the blankets he has thrown off his crib, so I can put them back on.
8. Talks and talks and talks. He seems to say a new word every few days.
9. Does actions to songs, like "If You're Happy and You Know It."
10. Throws his hands up in the air and claps when we sing da da da da da da - charge!
11. Drinks milk like a champ, holding his own cup - yeah!
12.Cheers for our teams; when we woohoo or clap, he will join right in.
13. Reads, reads, reads. He can't get enough of his books. When he is playing in his room, he will sit and look at all of his books instead of playing with his toys.
14. Eats big-people food. He loves hot dogs, macaroni and cheese, bananas, and mandarin oranges, along with M&M's.
15. Smiles through his pacifier.
Okay, so fifteen things. I just couldn't stop myself.
I love you, buddy, for a thousand more reasons.