Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Celebrations

We had a wonderful time this Christmas with family. The two days were busy, but they were full of fun and memory-making.

On Christmas Eve day, Cael got to sit on this horse that Uncle Shane had at Gramma's house.
 Later that evening, after games and our traditional Christmas Eve food, the kids played the parts in the nativity. Cael was an angel, complete with wings and his ook and en to record the events for future generations.
 Getting new pajamas on Christmas Eve is a tradition in our family. Cael loves his new soft reindeer pajamas complete with socks to keep his toes warm and toasty.
 On Christmas morning, we had to wake Cael up at 8:15 to open his gifts. First, he saw what Santa brought him: notebooks and new crayons; a Handy Manny game for his IXL from Mom-mom and Da-da-ee; a doodle pro; and, of course, an orange and some candy in his stocking.
 Hope gave Cael a Cars suitcase that contains a blanket and a pillow. She also got him a new Mickey Mouse cell phone. He decided to lie down and call Mr. Mouse to tell him all about his presents. You can see his loot around him in the pictures.
 All tuckered out already...
 After brunch at Gramma's, we headed to Woodruff and Holbrook. Cael needed some caffeine to get through the rest of the day.
 At Grandpa and Grandma's, Cael got a cowboy hat to match Grandpa's.
 More Coke!
Cael was spoiled with gifts, as usual, but he has been a good boy this year, so I suppose he deserves it. What a great third Christmas we celebrated!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Taus...Ho Ho

Paul was trying to get Cael to look at him to take the picture,
so he asked, "Where's my buddy?",
to which Cael responded, "Shershis," (There he is.) while pointing to himself.
We saw Santa last-minute on Christmas Eve morning in Greer.
Luckily, he was still taking orders for his deliveries tonight because someone has been a very good girl.
Oh, I mean Cael has been a good boy.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Cael, the brown-eyed charmer, had me at, "Mom-Mom."

This one is in wallet-size for some aunts, Hope, and a few others.
This is featured on our Christmas card.
This is Paul's favorite, besides the one with his arms behind his head (see previous post).
This is my favorite.

Oh, what fun it is to take pictures of Cael!

As I attempted to capture the perfect picture to frame for Cael's grandparents and great-grandparents this Christmas, I found there is much joy (and frustration, too - I can't lie.) in the journey to snapping that one good photo.

Monday, November 29, 2010

The Turkey in the Snow

This Thanksgiving, we were thankful for snow that fell, a great meal in Woodruff at Great-grandpa's house, and another Dallas Cowboys' loss. Oh, we are also grateful for the little guy that gives us a reason for a camera.
"So!" (Translation: "Snow!")

Monday, November 22, 2010

Cael's Plan During a Holbrook Visit

Stage One:
I will eat chocolate on Great-grandpa's lap,
to his obvious utter delight.
 Stage Two:
I will impersonate Sherlock Holmes
and solve the mystery of the missing chocolate.
 Stage Three:
I will get someone to buy me new kicks.
 Stage Four:
I will have a brief psychotic meltdown.
 Stage Five:
I will pass out from exhaustion.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Two Two-Year Olds

We had a busy, but good, weekend. On Friday morning, we drove down to Gilbert to watch the SJ girls' soccer team play Blue Ridge in their semi-final game. While Paul and I went to the game, Jennifer said Cael could stay at her house and play with Avery. Thank you, Jefiner! They had a great time together. After the game FINALLY ended, in victory for the Redskins, we headed to watch Mesquite play Dobson, since Lon coaches at Mesquite. Cael again stayed with Avery while Cassidy watched the two of them. When we got home from the game, this is how we found Cassidy, Avery, and Cael.

Who do you think wore out whom?

You'd be asleep, too, after watching these two two-year olds.
We drove back home Saturday morning, so we would be able to attend Kiki's baptism that afternoon. What a special time for her! We are glad we were able to be there for this momentous occasion in her life. We love you, Kiki.

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Hancock Officiating Crew Takes on Halloween

I couldn't decide which picture of Cael in his outfit is the cutest, so I decided to post them all. After all, let's face it; they're all the cutest. He loved dressing up to look like Daee. I think he had more fun with the outfit than with getting candy. First, just Cael dressed up to go to the annual SJ Halloween parade. We marched around the streets of our little town, beginning at the Apache County Courthouse and ending at the city park. Cars with parents and grandparents lined the parade route, honking their horns in support of the little ones. The scene was right out of a Norman Rockwell painting, small town America at its best. I loved it, Cael endured it (mostly by being carried by his mom and dad), and Paul wanted to be parked on the side of the road honking.

Notice how the whistle is always in Cael's mouth. Isn't it just like a Hancock to be ready to call the infraction? (I type that tongue-in-cheek, as they have contests to see who can throw the fewest flags or blow the whistle the fewest times.)
Sporting the Flag

 Later in the day, we all donned our outfits to form the Hancock crew. Paul was the most excited to dress in his clothes, as you can see from the huge smile on his face below.

You can take the girl out of the cheerleading outfit (and put her in a referee get-up), but you can't take the hands-on-hips-smile-on-lips cheerleader out of the girl.
You have to love the old-school knickers and knee-high socks.
Why do you think I fell in love with Paul?
Ten-yard penalty for being too adorable.

 All three of us are together in one picture at the trunk-or-treat at the fairgrounds.

Playing at the Park

We have been having beautiful fall weather. We took advantage of another perfect-to-be-outside day by going to the park for lunch and play. Cael was on a swing for a bit and slid on the slide about 500 times, while his daee found a comfortable spot of his own.

New Head of Hair and New Hair Accessory

Thanks to Aunt Nicoke, Cael got his first buzz cut and a Happy Meal Halloween hat.
We are going to miss her and Ki, Ker, and Sane.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Little Referee

When Cael was born, a woman who works at the AIA sent Cael an AIA whistle and a form to sign up for officiating. I gave him the whistle for the first time this morning to keep him occupied while I got him dressed. He is having a ball with it now, and I have a headache.