Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Celebrations

We had a wonderful time this Christmas with family. The two days were busy, but they were full of fun and memory-making.

On Christmas Eve day, Cael got to sit on this horse that Uncle Shane had at Gramma's house.
 Later that evening, after games and our traditional Christmas Eve food, the kids played the parts in the nativity. Cael was an angel, complete with wings and his ook and en to record the events for future generations.
 Getting new pajamas on Christmas Eve is a tradition in our family. Cael loves his new soft reindeer pajamas complete with socks to keep his toes warm and toasty.
 On Christmas morning, we had to wake Cael up at 8:15 to open his gifts. First, he saw what Santa brought him: notebooks and new crayons; a Handy Manny game for his IXL from Mom-mom and Da-da-ee; a doodle pro; and, of course, an orange and some candy in his stocking.
 Hope gave Cael a Cars suitcase that contains a blanket and a pillow. She also got him a new Mickey Mouse cell phone. He decided to lie down and call Mr. Mouse to tell him all about his presents. You can see his loot around him in the pictures.
 All tuckered out already...
 After brunch at Gramma's, we headed to Woodruff and Holbrook. Cael needed some caffeine to get through the rest of the day.
 At Grandpa and Grandma's, Cael got a cowboy hat to match Grandpa's.
 More Coke!
Cael was spoiled with gifts, as usual, but he has been a good boy this year, so I suppose he deserves it. What a great third Christmas we celebrated!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Taus...Ho Ho

Paul was trying to get Cael to look at him to take the picture,
so he asked, "Where's my buddy?",
to which Cael responded, "Shershis," (There he is.) while pointing to himself.
We saw Santa last-minute on Christmas Eve morning in Greer.
Luckily, he was still taking orders for his deliveries tonight because someone has been a very good girl.
Oh, I mean Cael has been a good boy.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Cael, the brown-eyed charmer, had me at, "Mom-Mom."

This one is in wallet-size for some aunts, Hope, and a few others.
This is featured on our Christmas card.
This is Paul's favorite, besides the one with his arms behind his head (see previous post).
This is my favorite.

Oh, what fun it is to take pictures of Cael!

As I attempted to capture the perfect picture to frame for Cael's grandparents and great-grandparents this Christmas, I found there is much joy (and frustration, too - I can't lie.) in the journey to snapping that one good photo.