Monday, November 21, 2011

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways...

I love that you dipped your feet into both the cold and hot water
at the pool at Aunt Julie's.
I love that you watched shows while you stood in a tub at Aunt Julie's.
I love that you lined up all the balls you have for me to shoot into the basket in your room.
You also told me, "Frow balls in dare, Mom," as you put your pom-pom into the basket in demonstration.
I love that you ran and jumped into this pile of leaves in our backyard
and then proceeded to throw the leaves into the air.
I love your smile on the Polar Express.
I love that you love wearing hats.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Potty Training

Like almost everything he does, Cael has made potty training an adventure. We began a year and a half ago, and we are finishing now. Why did it take so long? Well, he went through a long period of toilet-fright, so that made it difficult. He also formed quite an attachment to his diapers, crying alligator tears at the mere mention of underwear. When Mom finally decided to buckle down and do this, come what may, it actually worked. Perhaps she should have slapped herself into reality earlier. Oh well. All my friends kept telling me not to worry about it: "He'll do it when he's ready." I didn't see any of them coughing up the twenty bucks for a box of diapers, though.
Cael going potty while playing his IXL
Cael has decided he likes to go George Costanza with his bathroom exploits, so he sits now in our bedroom, on the Cars' portable toilet, in his birthday suit, eating Apple Jacks and watching Dora. Blackmail for the teenage years? You betcha. The refrigerator repairman just left, and Cael came out buck naked to tell him goodbye. The kind man averted his eyes and said, "Have a good day, ma'am," probably wondering why my kid is running around with no clothes on when it is forty degrees outside. We do have a warm fire inside, lest peradventure you worry that his little tush is cold.
Throughout this ordeal, we have bribed and begged with all the energy of our souls. This potty chart went up a few months ago, with Cael quickly earning four stickers and quitting after that. As of Sunday afternoon, however, he had filled it. Monday Dad brought home the promised Buzz Lightyear, which has yet to leave Cael's sight. When this chart was full, he wouldn't go again until we had another chart up. He is now earning more stickers on a Blue's Clues' potty chart, with the promise of a new coloring book at the end (hey, Buzz was expensive). Also, he gets two stickers on the new chart for going pee pee or poo poo in the big toilet - only one sticker for going in the Cars' toilet. Cleaning out that thing is gross, especially when he goes number two. I gagged yesterday when he proudly showed me his present. How do you parents out there do this more than one time?
I cannot fathom.
A happy boy who accomplished a goal (his parents, not pictured, are smiling just as big)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Cowboy Trick-or-Treaters

We had a wonderful Halloween. It was even better than usual because you understood what was going on. You were excited to be a Cowboy (Mom was excited, too, because you already had everything for the costume. Thank you Aunt Amber and Uncle Chad and Aunt Sarah!), and you were the cutest buckeroo around.
We walked in the Halloween parade, and then we went home to wait for Dad to go trick-or-treating with us. Dad wanted a big belt buckle, so Mom made him the one he is wearing. He even got a free Coke at Circle K because of his costume. I love how you are looking up at Dad in this picture.
When I would tell you that you were going to be a cowboy for Halloween, you would say Mom was going to be a cowboy-girl, so here I am with my pink cowboy-girl hat.
We went to quite a few friends' and families' houses, where you filled your pumpkin with goodies. You loved visiting and wouldn't just take the candy and leave.
We ended the night by attending a party at the Wood's home, which was a chaotic good time. When we took down the Halloween decorations at home two days later, you said goodbye most of it individually and said hello to Happy Thanksgiving. You are the best, and you appreciate all the little things about holidays and every days. We love you, cowboy Cael.

Random Cute Pics

One shoe off, and the other shoe on...My son Cael.
Devouring the Beaters
Eating Dad's last sugar cookie, and smiling about it
Mohawk at Aunt Kirsti's
Mom's first haircut