On May 3, 2012, Cael's angel Gramma went to live with
"Jesus and Henaly Tather."
We are so grateful that she got to meet you in this life, and that you got to know and love her in the few years you have been with us on this earth.
We will miss her, but we will always have her in our hearts.
You loved visiting Gramma's house. She would let you get suckers from her hiding spot in the Nestle Quik container in her closet. You would give her loves when you arrived and when you left. Any time we would leave the house to go somewhere, you would say we were going to Gramma's house. Gramma was there with us when you were born, and she was so happy to meet you, hold you, and watch you change and grow. You recently began using your Tonka dump truck as your own "weelshare," sitting in it and rolling yourself around to be like Gramma. When she was sick, you took your doctor kits over to give her a check-up and make her "be-er."
The pictures are from Gramma's 60th birthday party
that we threw for her two years ago.