Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Sing, Sing a Song...

Cael's latest letter to Elder Davis

Directing the Mo-Tab during General Conference

We love having Emmie at our house!

Hulk Mom Pretty

I love me a sleeping Spider-Man.

Holbrook weekends wear him out.

Spoiled Spidey

Question: How much Spider-Man stuff does Cael need?
Answer: Too much is not enough.
Grandma & Grandpa gave you this new mask, a cape, and a web shooter toy while you were in Holbrook. You are such a loved and lucky boy to have so many who look out for you.

Ever-busy in Holbrook

On Woodruff Butte
Helping can jelly
Visiting Alpacas

Mom and Cael Selfies

Homework Focus

It is a sad day when Mom has to Google vertices to
help you with your Kindergarten homework.
You are concentrating on your work here.