Friday, November 14, 2008

The Cutest Boy Ever

Okay, you may think he isn't the cutest boy ever, but I am his mama, and I am supposed to think that.
16 weeks old and smiling:)
Cael is eating his sock. Paul is jealous of his flexibility.


Paul Hancock said...

His dad thinks he is too. Yes, being able to suck on your socks is sick and wrong. I am fortunate to be able to put my socks on my feet. Thankfully I can though.

Julz said...

Oh he is so cute! He wants to come play with me!

As far as the toes, sucking on them is cute, pinching people with them not so much. Hopefully its a trait he doesn't pick up from his old man.

Julz said...

Ok so have I told you how excited I am to see him?


Nicole said...

I love how laid back he is:) Can't wait to squeeze those cheeks some more:)