Sunday, June 21, 2009

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things. . . (at eleven months)

A full belly after a bottle
Having Nemo nearby to cuddle (and messing up my crib) Being rescued from my crib when I awake
Having Nemo nearby to talk to
Playing with my toys in my room - thanks for the John Deere onesie and little tractor, Aunt Sarah! - (and yes, that is a Monet box on the floor; he will know some art)


Marcie Ashton said...

oooooo I miss watching babies sleep in a crib. They are so peaceful--and so, so, so ASLEEP. I may have to come peer at him over the edge.

Julz said...

Ahh he is so cute! I can't believe how big he is.

Sadie said...

That Monet box will make a great surface to drive the tractors on. :) It looks like the little guy could use another tractor! :)