Friday, November 6, 2009

Always Adorable

Okay, maybe not ALWAYS adorable, especially at diaper-changing time,
but he does keep us smiling and laughing most of the day.
He climbed into his toy crate,
after emptying enough toys for him to fit.
Cael is out in the car seat after being a TURKEY in Wal-Mart, throwing soup out of the cart and generally acting like the type of kid that you are glad isn't yours. That was us the other day. He is mine, though, and I will take him even with a dented Progresso can.


Julz said...

Paul shouldn't let him watch Big Daddy..maybe he was just trying to get you a discount on the soup cans :)

He is so cute, I can not believe how big he is getting.

Marcie Ashton said...

I always figured that is why toddlers can you stay upset when they look so peaceful and sweet.