Friday, April 30, 2010

To the Moon and Back

Cael loves to read. He has many books, and he reads them alone and with us. We read to him each night before we put him to bed. Goodnight Moon is the last book we read, signaling to him that it is time to go to the crib, which he does with surprising consistency. Usually, Cael will crawl onto my lap to have me read to him, and Paul will just sit/lie there and listen supportively.

A couple of nights ago, I pulled out the book Guess How Much I Love You, one of the first children's books we had, thanks to my mom giving it to me years ago. This book contains the cute and touching story about a son rabbit trying to prove to his dad rabbit that he loves him more. They go back and forth until the end, when the son falls asleep and the dad gets the last words in: "I love you to the moon and back."

Paul has read this book to Cael since he was teeny tiny, and Cael never really paid much attention to it, as it lacks the bright colors and catchy rhymes of most of his other books. Well, this night was different. I've always felt that this was their book, Paul's and Cael's, father's and son's, because it demonstrates that bond between them. Thus, when I pulled it out to read, I handed it to Paul and told Cael to go read it with Dad. The pictures illustrate what happened next.

(Apologies for having to show Paul's white hairy stomach)

Monday, April 26, 2010

What happened to that baby of mine?

Cael is changing and growing so fast that it is hard for me to keep up with all that he is doing now. He is my little shadow, following me and finding me wherever I may be. He also shadows his dad when he is home, and Paul loves it. Cael still has his monthly weekend in Holbrook with Paul's family, where he is given love and attention beyond measure.

The first picture is of Cael at home, listening to Mama's IPod earphones with her. The other pictures are of Cael enjoying his time in Holbrook: carrying water to Aunt Sarah's alpacas, posing for Aunt Kirsti the morning he climbed out of the portable crib, going in and out of the doggie door at Aunt Kirsti's house, trying to climb on and ride the truck, and mowing the lawn at Grandma's house.

You are the best, Cael, and you continue to bring rays of sunshine into our lives that make our hearts and our home warm.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Birthday, Gramma!

For Gramma's sixtieth birthday, on April 19, 2010, we took her out to eat in Greer at the Greer Lodge. We had a fun time with Aunt Nicoke, Uncle Shane, Kiki, Parker, Uncle Brad, and Aunt Amber all there with the three of us and Gramma. Great food, great company, and Gramma and Cael enjoying a book at the table.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Hold Me, Mama

When I go to deliver cookies to people, Cael becomes very shy and clingy. In this picture, I was delivering and singing to my friend, Mary Jo, for her birthday, and Cael just had to be held.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Easter Time

The Easter Bunny comes to our home on Saturday, so that Easter Sunday we can focus on our Savior. This year, the furry long-eared fellow brought Cael funny-faced plastic eggs filled with jelly beans and chocolate candy. He also gave him two new books for his book collection and a couple of Peeps. Cael was excited about all of it except the Peeps, so we just blew them up in the microwave, a tradition of Mama's. The Easter Bunny left a jelly bean trail from Cael's room to his Easter loot. Cael loved eating the trail. Every day since Easter, Cael has enjoyed opening all the eggs to see if anything is still in them. Mama enjoys picking them all up multiple times a day:) On Saturday, we also went on a lunchtime picnic at the park with Gramma. We had a great time that day and on Sunday as well.
Happy 2nd Easter, buddy.