Monday, April 26, 2010

What happened to that baby of mine?

Cael is changing and growing so fast that it is hard for me to keep up with all that he is doing now. He is my little shadow, following me and finding me wherever I may be. He also shadows his dad when he is home, and Paul loves it. Cael still has his monthly weekend in Holbrook with Paul's family, where he is given love and attention beyond measure.

The first picture is of Cael at home, listening to Mama's IPod earphones with her. The other pictures are of Cael enjoying his time in Holbrook: carrying water to Aunt Sarah's alpacas, posing for Aunt Kirsti the morning he climbed out of the portable crib, going in and out of the doggie door at Aunt Kirsti's house, trying to climb on and ride the truck, and mowing the lawn at Grandma's house.

You are the best, Cael, and you continue to bring rays of sunshine into our lives that make our hearts and our home warm.

1 comment:

Julz said...

Such a busy boy! But he is super cute!