Monday, September 20, 2010


Oh, what do you do with a two-year-old
who puts ear swabs in the sink?
Do you spank him away,
saying no all the day,
or just laugh and go buy some more?
Without a two-year-old, life would be a bore.

Oh, what do you do with a two-year-old
who hits and kicks and cries?
Do you try a time out,
or scream, swear, and shout,
or tell him that it's not nice?
Flopping on the floor myself, I've done once or twice.

Oh, what do you do with a two-year-old
who makes a shrill sound at Wal-Mart?
Do you wearily smile
at the people in the aisle,
or duct tape his mouth quickly?
I hurried out of the store, but that's just me.

Oh, what do you do with a two-year-old
who's addicted to Nemo and Cars?
Do you watch them again,
letting him win,
or see if he'll play in his room?
I'm hoping he will love Up, pretty soon.

Oh, what do you do with a two-year-old
who blames his toots on his Da-ee?
Do you laugh right along,
making up a song,
about how your husband's gassy?
This sounds like it might be fun and sassy.

Oh, what do you do with a two-year-old
who rules your house and lives?
Do you let him be in charge
and a pain-in-the-rear that is large,
or do you give him boundaries?
If you know how to do the latter, tell me please.

Oh, what do you do with a two-year-old
who sweetly says "Mom" often?
Do you kiss him a lot
and be grateful you got
a son whose personality shines bright?
Even if he takes off his diaper at night.

Lickin' the Beaters

Saturday, September 11, 2010

All aboard!

Enjoying the Apache County Fair on the Choo Choo
"Mom" Aren't you coming?
Happier on Dad's Lap

Bye, Ma

Christmas 2009
Paul's grandma passed away on August 31st. She was a great woman with an immense love for her family. She was thrilled when she found out that we were expecting a child. While I was pregnant, we referred to him as P.J., for Paul Jr., once we knew he was a boy. Grandma loved P.J. from the moment she saw him. She couldn't remember Cael's name very well, so she and Grandpa were and are the only people who are allowed to call him P.J. Grandma thought he was just the best. She even had him speaking in complete sentences when he asked for more chocolate.

After the funeral, we were at their house, and Cael kept pointing to Grandma's recliner, saying, "Ma." I am grateful that he had the opportunity to know her in this life, and that he was able to bring her some smiles in her last years on earth.

At the burial in Safford, I told Cael to say goodbye to Grandma. He looked towards the casket from the Yukon (He was being a handful, as, usual, so we had adjourned to the vehicle.) and said in his two-year-old little voice, "Bye, Ma." He then blew kisses her way. My heart swelled then as it does now - for his tenderness at that time - for his awareness of his great-grandmother - for the veil which is still not completely closed for him which allows him to see that she is safely home.
Outside the Temple at Our Wedding - November 3, 2006

Saturday, September 4, 2010

A Tale of Two Trips to Holbrook

It was the best of times. It was the best of times.

The mama of Cael needed a break. Or two.
The family on the side of the dad came to the rescue.

Thus begins the saga of Cael's home away from home, Holbrook, Arizona.

Journey One...
Eating ice cream at Dairy Queen
Asleep on Uncle Gunnar's shoulder at Jalen's scrimmage football game
Dozing on Aunt Kirsti's couch while watching Nemo
Playing in the sprinklers at Aunt Kirsti's
Playing ball and looking quite like Dad

Journey Two...
Meeting Aunt Julie at Mobil in Snowflake; Cael dressed as Sporty Spice
Asleep on Great-grandpa's couch in Woodruff
Spinning with Aunt Sarah
Drinking stolen milk
Little Chopin playing his etude
Eating French fries before Jalen's game in Snowflake
It is a far, far better thing that they do for us than I have ever done. It is a far, far better rest that Cael gets on shoulders and couches than he has ever known.

Note: My apologies to Charles Dickens.