Monday, November 21, 2011

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways...

I love that you dipped your feet into both the cold and hot water
at the pool at Aunt Julie's.
I love that you watched shows while you stood in a tub at Aunt Julie's.
I love that you lined up all the balls you have for me to shoot into the basket in your room.
You also told me, "Frow balls in dare, Mom," as you put your pom-pom into the basket in demonstration.
I love that you ran and jumped into this pile of leaves in our backyard
and then proceeded to throw the leaves into the air.
I love your smile on the Polar Express.
I love that you love wearing hats.


Julz said...

So many different reasons to love this kiddo and the wonderful person he is and is going to be. Love him!

Nicole said...

Cutie! I didn't know he went on Polar Express:) Lucky duck!