Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I can't get enough of this kid.

Okay, I can and do get enough some days,
like when he is upset with tears falling from his eyes
when he gets in trouble. I tell him to stop crying.
He tells me, "Me want more cry."
Do I laugh or give him a time-out for what he did to be bawling in the first place?
Really, though.
What a personality he has!
A new way to watch T.V. -
on the laundry basketrecliner
Blanket and Nemo sold separately
Cuddling with Grandma
All aboard! Cael the conductor
The train delivered Cael to school,
where he read his books before returning to his post
on the engine.

1 comment:

Julz said...

lol he is a busy boy with such a great personality. Love this kiddo!