Monday, August 9, 2010

Terrific Two

With Cael's current age labeled "terrible," the expectation becomes such, and parents spend a year counting all the ways their two-year-old lives up to said adjective. I am guilty of that, as well, except I started keeping track of all the stinker-like things he did at about 18 months. Well, starting today, I am going to say Cael is in his terrific twos, and I will vow to enjoy his adventurous spirit and unending mischief-making. After all, he will only be this age for awhile. I want to enjoy him, no matter what he is doing.

Here are some pictures from the past week of Cael's terrificness.

Monkey Boy Strikes Again...Using the stool to climb up on the bathroom counter...

Genius! Wal-Mart saves my shopping life with these seats on the baskets.

Time with Aunt Julie...No, the black dog isn't Aunt Julie, but Cael played with Baby (What an ironic name for such a dog!) while he was with her for a slumber party in Holbrook.

Discovery: New way to ride tricycle

 Stolen Key? Translation: Cookie Cael allegedly swiped this caramel bar from his dad. Investigation pending.

Cael helps Mama clean by using the Swiffer duster on the inversion machine.


Marcie Ashton said...

I LOVE two year olds. Granted, I don't have to pick up after them anymore, so maybe I don't know what I'm talking about.... Either way, I think it is perfect to consider them terrific.

Julz said...

Love the pictures. I find it hard to believe that Cael stole anything....whatever is his daddy's is also his. Therefore no stealing :) Love the little guy!

Nicole said...

He sure keeps you on your toes!