Saturday, July 31, 2010

Heap of Fun at the Heap Reunion

We ventured to the mountains near Green's Peak for our annual Heap reunion. We camped from Sunday afternoon through Friday afternoon. Much rain, much food, and much enjoyment were ours for the week with our family. Cael had a ball being side (outside) and crawling in and out of our camp trailer. Many of Cael's cousins were there most of the time, and, at one point, all sixteen grandchildren ran around the campsite. It is beautiful up there, and we are so blessed to be able to go every year to spend time together.

This is after only one day. Cael and Paul went into town to get a couple of items.

Cael is all bundled up to stay dry and warm in the rain.

This is the life ... Eating Fruit Loops and watching Cars on Mama and Dad's bed in the trailer.

Zzz ... Cael has all the comforts of home for nap time.

The two best boys are ready for a four-wheeler ride. Which one is more excited? Hint: Look at the faces.

No ride? No problem. Cael will just sit and hope, keeping on his helmet and holding onto the key. One morning, he sat on there for over an hour.

Cael sporting a camping face, complete with a little Oreo.

1 comment:

Julz said...

Ahhh how could Paul just let him sit on the was time for a ride!