Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ma's Bed

Cael loves to be on "Ma's Bed" to watch Blue's Clues and relax. When it is bedtime, he will say, "Ma's bed," to indicate that is where he wants to go, not to his bed.

The first picture shows Cael, all smiles, in his cowboy hat, on our bed. He is looking at himself in our mirrored closet doors, happy as a clam that he, once again, took over the territory.

In the second photo, Cael had refused to take a nap. I'm 2 1/2, and I don't need to sleep, is the attitude he has taken. After a few minutes on Ma's bed, guess who drooled on my pillow?

1 comment:

Julz said...

such a ham! He is a cutie.