Wednesday, December 28, 2011

And there were shepherds abiding in their fields...

One of our family's Christmas Eve traditions is to have the kids play the parts of the nativity scene while I read an abbreviated version of the Christmas story. This year, Cael was the shepherd, a fitting part since he always steals Great-grandpa's cane, and Gramma happens to have a crook look-alike from a play vanity. A hooded towel, Mom's headband, and a stuffed sheep rounded out the outfit.

Cael took his job seriously, as one can see in the top picture, hugging his sheep as he gazed upon the baby Jesus (newborn cousin Emmie) below. After the play concluded, Cael did not want to take off his "coshume," leaving it on until we went to carol and look at lights in the back of Uncle Shane's pickup. It was only 28 degrees. We were crazy to go out on that cold clear night, but we made frozen-faced memories. Isn't that what it's all about?

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