Thursday, December 15, 2011

Say Cheese!

I love family picture time,
especially when we do it ourselves
(Nicole was kind enough to
snap some of the three of us.).
Cael has turned into quite the photogenic one,
posing (or trying to) like a pro.
Look for a few of these pics
on a Christmas card coming soon
or in a grandparents' home near you.
He says, "Cheese," with his whole body.
This is his big-boy picture.
Isn't it time to play with Dad's tie? Nicole called this an in-the-moment shot.
He wanted to make a grumpy face in this one, instead of a smiley face,
but he could barely contain his grin.
Football is on T.V. Like father, like son...
Mom is smiling big enough for all of us.
He's tired of picture-taking here, but he still manages to be as cute as ever.
This is pure Cael.
We are a hatty family.
 I told him to put his hands together, which worked best in this photo.

1 comment:

Julz said...

Ahh he looks so grown up. Such a cute kid!