Wednesday, December 28, 2011

"Narry Kinnis!"

Bow-adorned Cael poses with the gifts from Auntie, Uncle Ray, and his Davis cousins.
He loves the Play-Doh, Cars' slippers, and the candy. He's also sporting the new pajamas he got on Christmas Eve from Mom and Dad.
Little Schroeder tickles his new ivories, aka a keyboard from Mom and Dad.
I am the luckiest boy alive.
Aunt Julie has made his life with the Handy Manny workbench.
Dad and Cael made this birdhouse using the blueprint and materials provided.
1. Woke Cael up. Opened presents. From Santa: Treats in stocking; book; gloves to play in the snow; Mickey Mouse Clubhouse IXL game; of course, SNOW on Christmas Eve Eve day
From Mom and Dad: book, puzzles, memory game, along with keyboard
2. Breakfast at Gramma's
3. Church: Cael cried upon finding out he would not be going to class/nursery that day.
4. Woodruff to visit family... More gifts: LeapFrog toy from Aunt Kirsti and Jalen; money from Grandma and from Great-grandpa; Handy Manny toy from Aunt Julie
5. Holbrook to visit more family: Still more gifts: From Aunt Amber and Uncle Chad - cute outfit of pants, sweater, and shirt... From Grandpa and Grandma - soccer ball, football, and basketball; new outfit of pants, shirt, and vest; pop-up book; two movies
6. Home, sweet, home and to all a good night

7. Addendum: On Tuesday, we were taking down the Christmas decorations, and Cael exclaimed, with a pout, "Me want Kinnas back!" We all do, buddy. We all do.


Julz said...

After a Christmas like he had I would want Christmas back too. Love this kiddo!

Nicole said...

Smart boy:) Nice keyboard!